Grazing Capacity / Capacidad de Carga Animal

Management // Manejo

US // 1. The optimal stocking rate that will achieve a target level of animal performance or other specific objective, while preventing deterioration of the ecosystem. Must consider both management objectives and management intensity to be accurate. 2. Total number of AUMs produced and available for grazing per acre or from a specific grazing land unit, a grazing allotment, the total ranch, or other specified land area. Synonym, in part, to carrying capacity but with the latter term not being restricted to grazed forage.
Vallentine, J.F. 2001. Grazing Management. USA. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. See p. 566.
CAN // The maximum stocking rate that will achieve a target level of animal performance in a specified grazing method, based on total nutrient resources available, that can be applied over a defined period without deterioration of the ecosystem.
Saskatchewan Forage Council 2010.
MEX // Cantidad de animales que puede mantener un a´rea determinada de agostadero o pastizal por un tiempo determinado sin deterioro de la integridad de los recursos (expresado en hecta´reas por unidad animal por an~o, por mes o por di´a, o expresado en unidades animal por hecta´rea por an~o, por mes o por di´a).
PACP-Ch 2011: 31.
MEX // Sinónimo con coeficiente de agostadero.


EN // Carrying capacity; Stocking density; Stocking Rate; Ecologically Sustainable; Grazing management; Management, holistic (Managment)
ESP // Capacidad de carga; Carga animal; Carga animal ecológicamente sostenible; Manejo del Pastoreo; Manejo holístico (Manejo)

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