Carrying capacity // Capacidad de carga

Management // Manejo

US // (1) The maximum stocking rate that will achieve a target level of animal performance on a particular grazing unit under a specified grazing method. (2) The potential number of animals or liveweight that may be supported on a unit area for a grazing season based on forage potential.
Beef Quality Assurance: 141. Also National Cattlemen’s website.
US // The maximum number of a given type of animal that a specific ecosystem can support without causing environmental damage.
Troeh, F.R. and R.L. Donahue. 2003. Dictionary of Agricultural and Environmental Science. USA. Ames, IA: Iowa State Press. See p. 78.
CAN // TA measure of an ecological site’s sustained forage yield. Carrying capacity is based on a safe utilization level based on mean annual forage production and the plant community’s tolerance of grazing pressure. Carrying capacity does not fluctuate yearly in response to forage production and stocking rates, but does fluctuate with weather conditions.
Saskatchewan Forage Council 2010: 1.
MEX // Número máximo de un determinado tipo de especie pecuaria que un ecosistema específico puede mantener sin causar un deterioro del medio ambiente.
Sánchez Granillo, E., PhD. Councillor of the Minister, Ministry of Rural Development, State Government of Chihuahua. Personal communication, 2012.
MEX // Cantidad de animales que puede mantener un a´rea determinada de agostadero o pastizal por un tiempo determinado sin deterioro de la integridad de los recursos (expresado en hecta´reas por unidad animal por an~o, por mes o por día).
PACP-Ch 2011: 31.


EN // Grazing capacity; Stocking density; Stocking Rate; Ecologically Sustainable; Grazing management; Management, holistic (Managment)
ESP // Capacidad de Carga Animal; Carga animal; Carga animal ecológicamente sostenible; Manejo de pastizales; Manejo holístico (Manejo)

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